Latest news

  • Media statements
Today, 22 August 2024, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 was passed by the Parliament. The Bill provides the framework to deliver on the NDIS Review’s vision to restore the NDIS to its original intent and deliver better outcomes for Australians with permanent and significant disability within a broader ecosystem of supports.
  • Participant Reference Group communique
This is a summary of the Participant Reference Group’s (PRG) meeting. The Participant Reference Group (PRG) makes sure the NDIA hears and understands the participant voice. The PRG has 23 members from participant and carer organisations across Australia. The NDIA uses feedback from PRG meetings to keep making the NDIS better.
  • Participant Reference Group communique
This is a summary of the Participant Reference Group’s (PRG) meeting. The Participant Reference Group (PRG) makes sure the NDIA hears and understands the participant voice. The PRG has 23 members from participant and carer organisations across Australia. The NDIA uses feedback from PRG meetings to keep making the NDIS better.
  • Participant Reference Group communique
This is a summary of the Participant Reference Group’s (PRG) meeting. The Participant Reference Group (PRG) makes sure the NDIA hears and understands the participant voice. The PRG has 23 members from participant and carer organisations across Australia. The NDIA uses feedback from PRG meetings to keep making the NDIS better. PRG members work on what the NDIA plans to do. They work on new and current policies, improving the systems we use, and how we deliver services.
  • Participant Reference Group communique
This is a summary of the Participant Reference Group’s (PRG) meeting. The Participant Reference Group (PRG) makes sure the NDIA hears and understands the participant voice. The PRG has 23 members from participant and carer organisations across Australia. The NDIA uses feedback from PRG meetings to keep making the NDIS better.