What is the Pedi-CAT?

The Pedi-CAT is a functional capacity assessment for children.

Why does the NDIA use the Pedi-CAT?

The Pedi-CAT is used to contribute to information gathered by the NDIA to understand how a child’s developmental delay impacts on their ability to participate in daily life activities compared to other children of a similar age.

The Pedi-CAT is not the only source of information used to understand the needs of a child. An Early Childhood Partner will consider all information provided by the family, professionals and in some cases may apply other functional assessments.

Who will complete the Pedi-CAT with my child?

The Early Childhood Partner will apply their early childhood expertise and knowledge of developmental delay and disability to assess the child’s function across all areas of development and work in partnership with the family to determine the appropriate supports required. Information will be gathered from the family using the Pedi-CAT functional assessment along with other information regarding the child’s strengths and areas of need.

When is the Pedi-CAT used?

All children 0-6 years of age will have a Pedi-CAT functional assessment, often facilitated by an Early Childhood Partner. The Pedi-CAT may be repeated in the future as the Early Childhood Partner works with the family to monitor achievements and outcomes.

Can other functional assessments or reports be used instead of the Pedi-CAT?

Yes. The Early Childhood Partners have a mix of paediatric allied health and early childhood professionals who work with families and carers to understand the child’s needs. For children 0-6 years of age, the Pedi-CAT contributes to a range of information collected by the Early Childhood Partner on the impact of disability on the child’s participation in everyday activities. The Early Childhood Partners may apply other routine based assessments if required.

Does the Pedi-CAT determine what supports the NDIS will fund?

No one single functional assessment is the sole determinant of the reasonable and necessary supports that may be funded. For children 0-6 years of age, the Pedi-CAT contributes to a range of information collected by the Early Childhood Partner on the impact of disability on the child’s participation in everyday activities.

This page current as of
12 February 2019
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