Working as a provider

The NDIS provides funding to participants for supports and services aimed at increasing their independence, inclusion, and social and economic participation.

Supports funded by the NDIS need to:

  • be related to the participant's disability
  • not include day-to-day living costs that are not related to a participant's disability support needs
  • represent value for money
  • be likely to be effective and beneficial to the participant, and
  • take into account informal supports given to participants by families, carers, networks, and the community.

Find out more about creating service agreements, service bookings and connecting with participants.


The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits include a support item against which the cost of the delivery of support can be claimed.

The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits list the maximum price providers can claim for personal care, community access, domestic assistance and professional services.

Learn more about Pricing arrangements.

Payment of supports

Registered providers use the myplace provider portal to process payments with the NDIA.

In the NDIS payment system, supports for participants fall into three categories:

1. Core supports

A support helping a participant complete daily living activities and work towards their goals to meet their objectives.

2. Capital supports

An investment, such as assistive technologies, equipment and home or vehicle modifications, or funding for capital costs (e.g. to pay for Specialist Disability Accommodation).

3. Capacity building supports

A support that helps a participant build their independence and skills.

Supports in participant plans are categorised according to these three categories. Within a plan, participant budgets are subject to NDIS rules in relation to these three categories.

Find out more about how to get paid, including how to submit bulk payment requests.

Change of service

Under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission’s Practice Standards registered providers have an obligation to assist participants to move to and from the provider, including in the event of a change of service. 

If providers chose to cease or change participant services they are required to: 

  • consider the participant’s continued access to supports when working out the termination date of the service
  • notify the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) of the change of service
  • notify the NDIA of any change of service by emailing [email protected] (a staff member may contact you to offer help with participant transition if required)

To notify the NDIS Commission of any change of service and update your registration records head to the NDIS Commission Portal.  

For more information about using the NDIS Commission Portal, see the Portal Quick Reference Guides.

Find out more about registered provider obligations, requirements , how to finalise and end service bookings to ensure claims are up to date prior to cessation of services.

Promoting my services via myplace

The Provider Finder tool, available in the myplace provider and participant portals, gives both providers and participants the ability to search for providers by name, location, and service or professional group.

Provider locations are displayed on a map (unless the provider has opted to have their address suppressed). The map also has a zoom in and out function to help participants easily see provider locations.

To help participants find providers in the Provider Finder it is important that all of your details are kept up-to-date with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission).

Some providers deliver supports from different locations and the Provider Finder has the ability to display this information using the ‘Outlet detail’ function.

More information on how to update your details and outlets can be found on the NDIS Commission  website.

Marketing your services

The NDIS logo is a Commonwealth Government Trademark and it cannot be used or adapted.

Registered providers can use the 'I heart NDIS' and 'I Support NDIS' logos as well as the 'Registered NDIS Provider' tagline.

More information and copies of the 'I heart NDIS' and 'I Support NDIS' logos can be found on the trademark and use of logos page.

This page current as of
11 October 2024
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