On 14 October, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal was replaced by a new body called the Administrative Review Tribunal (new Tribunal).
The new Tribunal can review and change decisions made by government agencies.
This includes decisions made by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
The new Tribunal will:
- be fair, accessible and transparent
- resolve applications in a timely manner
- be responsive to the needs and circumstances of applicants.
NDIS participants and applicants who have applied to the AAT to review a decision do not need to do anything.
They do not need to start again or ask for a new review. All active cases have moved to the new Tribunal.
Active cases will receive information and notifications about their case from the new Tribunal.
For more information, you can:
- visit the Attorney-General’s Department website
- call the new Tribunal on 1800 228 333
- get help from a language interpreter – call TIS on 131 450 and ask to speak to the new Tribunal.