Children’s Expert Advisory Group October 2024 communique

The Children’s Expert Advisory Group (CEAG) met for their third meeting Tuesday 1 October 2024.

This was an online meeting. 

Focus of the meeting

The chair, Ms Samantha Taylor, General Manager Children Taskforce, National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) welcomed members to their third meeting.

The meeting focused on discussing the priorities that the CEAG might include in their workplan. To support this discussion the CEAG received a presentation on the NDIA’s co-design approach.

CEAG’s Priorities/Work Plan

Discussion was held around the Draft Work Plan and prioritisation of the key topics and timing imperatives for the group.

The group also discussed what is required to engage with other experts and representative groups as they work through the issues in the workplan? 

NDIA Co-design Approach

The Children’s Taskforce discussed the Co-design approach for working with children, young people and their caregivers as well as the importance of capturing the voices of children and young along their journey.

Members discussed best methods to ensure that all cohorts and intersectionality of cohorts were supported through a co-design approach.


There will be targeted discussion with a sub-group of members to support work on Developmental Delay and Codesign with children and young people and their care givers.

CEAG Next Meeting

The next meeting will focus on finalising CEAG workplan, developmental delay advice and advice on approaches to co-designing/hearing from children/young people and discuss the possibility of a subgroup focused on young people's issues (with young people).