The Queensland Government has advised they will not be able to progress any new registration requests from 1 April 2019 for the following registration groups:
- Assist Personal Activities
- Assist-Life Stage, Transition
- Behaviour Support
- Daily tasks / shared living
- Development-life skills
- Early Childhood supports
- Group and Centre Based Activities
- Interpret / translate
- Participate Community
- Personal activities High
- Plan Management
- Support co-ordination
- Therapeutic support
Providers in Qld wishing to apply for these registration groups must begin the process with the Qld Government before 1 April 2019. Further information about how to contact your state or territory government.
The NDIA will continue to receive all new registration group applications for providers in Vic, Qld, Tas, ACT and the NT until 30 June 2019 through the myplace provider portal. However, providers need to be aware that the above listed registration groups also require approval by state governments, in accordance with their respective quality and safeguard standards, before the NDIA is able to finalise the registration request.