The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert, today announced the commencement of the NDIS Annual Price Review for 2020-21.
The review will look at current NDIS price limits and related policies to ensure they continue to be appropriate to the market, to understand where changes may be required and provide recommendations.
Minister Robert said the review is part of the Australian Government’s plan to deliver on the promise of the NDIS, in particular, to deliver a capable, efficient and sustainable market.
‘This pricing review is part of our commitment to building confidence and certainty for the provider market, as well as ensuring participants are able to access supports that represent value for money,’ Minister Robert said.
‘We are calling on participants, their families and carers, providers, peak bodies and community representatives to have their say on NDIS pricing matters, by submitting their feedback through the consultation process.’
The review will consider the current price control framework, as outlined in the Review’s Issues Paper including 1:1 core and group-based supports, capacity building, plan management, regional, remote and very remote areas and provider claiming.
The review will also look at options to reduce administrative costs for providers while also improving the flexibility for participants to purchase supports to meet their goals.
Any changes to the NDIS Price Guide and Support catalogue, in terms of support items and policy changes, will be announced and published at least one month prior to implementation on 1 July 2020.
The Annual price review - consultation page contains more information on the Review, Issues Paper and process for making a submission.
Submissions close 3am AEDT on Monday, 3 February 2020.