The National Disability Insurance Agency has zero tolerance for fraud against the NDIS and its participants. At no stage has the NDIA agreed that the Agency’s tolerance level for fraud was 10 per cent. Any suggestion to the contrary is wrong.
The NDIA’s publicly available Fraud Strategy Statement clearly outlines the Agency’s position — that fraud will not be tolerated.
Any type or amount of fraud is unacceptable. One dollar fraudulently obtained is one dollar that isn’t received by those who are entitled to NDIS funding.
We protect our participants, their families, and the Scheme by looking for and reporting potential fraud and dishonest practices.
The NDIA continues its growing investment in building capability to respond to fraud, non-compliance and dishonesty and has experts across multiple locations dedicated to fraud and non-compliance identification and investigation.
Criminal behaviour will always be investigated to the full extent of the law and perpetrators have and will continue to be prosecuted.
Anyone with concerns that fraud is being committed against the NDIS should contact the NDIS fraud hotline on 1800 650 717.
Be alert for fraudulent SMS or emails claiming to be from NDIS or other Australian Government agencies. Report the incident to Scamwatch .