Outcomes data now available

The latest set of NDIS data is now available .

It includes detailed reports into:

The outcomes framework reports are a different look at the Scheme, taking a long term view of impacts the Scheme has had on a range of participants over time. The reports show how participants, families and carers lives have changed, from their first experience when joining the Scheme, to 30 June 2020.

We know there are a range of factors affecting the experience of participants when they join, like the nature and severity of their disability, the extent of support they receive from family and friends, and their general health. The NDIA uses this data as one way to see if the Scheme is improving the lives of participants.

The outcomes framework takes a lifespan approach to measuring participants’ goals and outcomes by looking at a range of indicators across each stage of life, from birth to starting school, school age to 14 years old, 15 to 24 years old and 25 years old and over. 

Questions are asked on different topics, including: daily living, choice and control, social, community and civic participation, learning and employment. Some highlights from this data include:

  • Children from birth to starting school have seen significant improvements in eight indicators, in particular around use of specialist services and social and community participation. Children feel more welcome taking part in community and social activities - an increase of 11 per cent over 3 years.
  • Participants from school age to 14 years old have seen significant improvements in five indicators, in particular with respect to daily living and lifelong learning. More children are becoming independent by taking part in daily social and community activities – an increase of 9 per cent over 3 years.
  • Participants aged 15 to 24 have seen significant improvements in twenty-nine indicators. Participants in this age group are becoming more involved in social and community groups – an increase of 14 per cent over 3 years.
  • Participants aged 25 and over have seen significant improvements in twenty-three indicators, in particular in regards to their health and wellbeing, relationships, and social, community and civic participation domains. More participants in this age group are spending their time doing activities that interest them – an increase of 8 per cent over 3 years.

In addition to participants, there have been improved outcomes for families/carers of our participants. Key highlights include:

  • Families and carers of participants from birth to age 14 working 15 hours or more in a paid job has increased every year, increasing by 6 per cent over three years to 85 per cent.
  • Families and carers of participants aged 15-24 believe their family member with disability is getting the support they need – an increase of 29 per cent over 3 years.

The reports allow us to see how the NDIS is progressing over time and where there are areas to improve, making things fairer and more equitable for everyone.

The NDIA will continue to undertake this work, to drive better outcomes and experience for participants, their families, carers and the sector.

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