The National Disability Insurance Agency will soon release updated price limits that will go into effect on 1 July 2021.
As in previous years, the NDIA will update the NDIS Disability Support Worker Cost Model when the Fair Work Commission annual wage review decision is released later in June.
This year the NDIS Disability Support Worker Cost Model will also include the Australian Taxation Office’s increase to the super guarantee percentage .
Base price limits for core supports are determined by the application of the NDIS Disability Support Worker Cost Model, which is updated annually.
Price limits impacted by the Disability Support Worker Cost Model will be updated in late June and will be effective from 1 July. We will publish updated pricing documents at this time.
There will be no changes to our price control structures introduced for 1 July.
We regularly review and make changes to our pricing arrangements to ensure our world-leading approach:
- better meet the needs of participants, their families, carers and providers
- remains affordable and in place for future generations of Australians.
Other pricing updates effective 1 July are:
- The price limits for specialist disability accommodation will be indexed for the consumer price index and increase by 1.1%.
- The temporary transformation payment loading (TTP) will reduce by 1.5%, as previously announced.
- We are extending the current transitional pricing arrangements for group-based supports for 12 months.
- No other pricing changes will go into effect on 1 July 2021.
To better align pricing reviews with provider business and budget cycles, it was decided last year to undertake all future Annual Pricing Reviews in the first half of each financial year. Rather than undertaking an Annual Price Review in 2020-21, the NDIA only conducted limited market and supports reviews as necessary and in response to changing economic conditions and emerging issues.
We are committed to ensuring the financial longevity of the Scheme and delivering the NDIS in line with the participant-focused vision set out in the 2011 Productivity Commission Report.