Latest NDIS market data released

We have updated our online market data today to help providers and the community understand NDIS market trends. The data is now current as of 31 December 2021.

The NDIS Market Dashboards are one way the NDIA fulfils our commitment to share data regularly with the public.

They can be used to compare different market indicators across the country such as: 

  • active providers 
  • participants per provider 
  • provider concentration
  • provider growth and shrinkage 
  • plan budgets
  • payments 
  • utilisation of plan budgets 
  • participant choice and control indicators 

This can help people better understand the NDIS market across Australia, such as identifying “hot spots” where support provision is generally lower or higher than the rest of the country.

If you need help understanding or using this data, please email the Scheme Actuary.

Learn more about NDIA public data releases