December 2020 – Industry Reference Group

IRG Meeting: Thursday 10 December, 2020

Membership Update

The IRG welcomed members and accepted apologies.

NDIA Update

Gerrie Mitra (NDIA) outlined COVID-19 initiatives introduced to support providers and participants. This included advance payments, direct claiming for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), a state based worker mobility initiative, participant check-ins, allowing claiming for cleaning services and additional self-isolation in case of COVID-19 diagnosis, as well as increases to plan flexibility. 

Lisa Studdert (NDIA) sought feedback on the recently published consultation papers about Independent Assessments, plan budget development, plan flexibility, and Early Childhood Early Intervention pathways.

Gerrie Mitra gave an overview of the Provider Sentiment and Satisfaction Survey responses which measured and analysed provider sentiment, provider satisfaction, business and market conditions, NDIA reliability, and also included some COVID-19 questions.

Members stressed the importance of relationships with state and territory governments in case of COVID-19 outbreaks. Members requested clarification on the best way to provide feedback on consultation papers.

Digital Roadmap

Tony Shinnick (NDIA) provided an overview of the NDIA’s Digital Roadmap, the Digital Partner Program and Digital Partnership Office and their role in helping to create Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to assist providers and others in accessing the portal. 

Assistive Technology (AT) Market Update

Lloyd Walker (NDIA) presented the plans for the future state of AT, the proposed AT Action Plan 2021-2023, and the Participant AT Sourcing Approach. These are aimed to build participant capacity, deliver data-informed streamlined processes, increase market efficiency and resolve barriers to AT supply for participants.

Members gave feedback about the importance of ensuring that NDIA communicates and consults with participants so they understand the proposed changes. 

Support Coordination

Steve Maillet (NDIA) provided an overview of the feedback the NDIA has received through the support coordination consultation. 

Members noted the need for greater differentiation between support coordinator and recovery coach roles and the importance of managing conflicts of interest while maintaining participant choice and control.

Market Intervention

Kitsa Papadopoulos (NDIA) gave an update on NDIA’s market intervention work. This included the Market Intervention Operating model, which outlines the intervention the NDIA may employ to address market challenges. 

The NDIA will continue to shape its market interventions using a flexible approach depending on local contexts, as well as delivering up-to-date market information to help providers respond. 

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission)

Samantha Taylor (NDIS Commission) outlined how the NDIS Commission is now a national organisation, delivering a consistent approach in all states with the transition of WA provider registration to the NDIS Commission on 1 December 2020. Samantha provided an update on the NDIS Commission’s current work program.  

Members suggested the sector needs clear communication regarding the expectations on quality and service provision to ensure these align with the NDIA’s approach.

Other business

The NDIA will review the Terms of Reference in 2021.