The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is making changes to the way Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is funded in properties owned by the Tasmanian Government’s ‘Homes Tasmania’.
Under the old system, the Tasmanian Government bulk funded SDA supports for participants in these properties in accordance with an in-kind agreement with the Commonwealth.
These in-kind arrangements will finish on 30 June 2023.
The NDIA will take over funding responsibility and provide funds directly to participants via their NDIS plans.
Participants will use their funds to purchase SDA from the Tasmanian Government designated provider.
Participants will see SDA in their plans from 1 July 2023 (the anticipated date that the Tasmanian Government designated provider becomes a registered provider of SDA Supports).
There will be no interruption to SDA supports.
Current arrangements will continue until funds are available in NDIS plans to begin the new arrangements.
This brings SDA funding in Tasmania into line with the rest of Australia.
Contact [email protected] for further information on these changes to SDA arrangements in Tasmania.
What does this mean for me?
While you may be renting your home through an agreement with another provider, the property itself is owned by Homes Tasmania and it is your current SDA service provider.
Under the new system, we will provide SDA funds directly to you via your NDIS plan.
Should you choose to move home you can then use the funds to purchase SDA from a provider of your choice.
You should discuss this new approach with your NDIS planner or support coordinator.
They will be able to provide specific advice on what this means for your current housing arrangements.
In most cases you will not need to make any changes to where you live unless you wish to.
Is this related to the PACE transition program?
No. The SDA in-kind transition process is unrelated to the Tasmanian PACE transition program currently underway.
Learn more about requesting home and living supports.