National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, along with their families and carers, are experiencing an increase in positive outcomes thanks to their disability supports, the latest Quarterly Report data shows.
Quarterly Report data shows as of 31 March 2023:
- Participation in community and social activities has seen a relative increase of 20 per cent for all Scheme participants aged 15 years and older (from 35% to 42%).
- Participation in work (percentage in a paid job) has increased by over 80 per cent (relative increase) for those aged 15 to 24 for participants with an intellectual disability (from 11% to 20%).
- Participation in work (percentage in a paid job) has seen a 133% relative increase for participants aged 15 to 24 with autism (from 9% to 21%).
- More than half of the parents and carers for participants who have been in the Scheme for at least two years are in a paid job (for parents/carers of participants aged 0 to 14 years).
- There was a 15 per cent relative increase in positive perceptions of whether the NDIS has helped with choice and control for participants aged 15 years and older (from 67% to 77%).
National Disability Insurance Agency CEO Rebecca Falkingham said these positive outcomes show the transformative impact of the NDIS for the 592,059 participants and provides a solid foundation to build a stronger, and more participant-centred Scheme.
“The Quarterly Report data shows that, with the right disability-related supports, NDIS participants can achieve extraordinary results.
We anticipate a continued improvement in participant results following the NDIS reforms announced in the Federal Budget,” Ms Falkingham said.
“The data is a foundation of what we all know, and we want to work with participants and their families and carers to ensure they guide the Agency on how to keep building on economic, social, community and individual outcomes.
“Together, we will make sure the NDIS reflects our vision – an NDIS that works for all participants. Greater independence, the opportunity to work, be involved in their community, make friends… the list goes on.”
The NDIA will listen and learn from participants and the disability community to improve the Scheme.
“The Agency has been working hard to ensure co-design is at the heart of our work and we have already started work with the disability community to implement the Government’s recently announced six NDIS reform areas.
“This is being done through a co-design program centred on amplifying the voice of people with disability – to ensure we get reforms right and the Scheme succeeds in line with the disability community’s original vision.”