The Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) vacancy finder helps you search for accommodation vacancies that match your needs. 

You can refine the search results using the filters on the left hand side bar. Search by building type, SDA design category, number of residents, price and more. 

You can contact the providers who are advertising to discuss your needs. If SDA has been included in your plan, the SDA building type and location will usually need to align with your plan.

If you need help finding SDA vacancies or would like to discuss if a SDA vacancy is suitable for you, please talk to your planner, support coordinator or local area coordinator. You should check that the dwelling meets your needs before committing to a service agreement. 

Not all available SDA vacancies are advertised on the SDA Finder. Speak to your planner or support coordinator if you are having trouble locating SDA in your area. 

The information in the SDA Finder is subject to the NDIA disclaimer and is provided for your convenience only. The NDIA doesn’t endorse any third party platforms and there may be additional providers not listed. 

You should seek appropriate independent advice that takes your circumstances into consideration and evaluate service offerings carefully. The NDIA doesn’t accept liability for any claims or losses arising directly or indirectly from services provided by third party platform providers.

For providers

To notify the NDIA of an SDA dwelling vacancy, complete the online form .

The details of your vacancy, including your ABN, will need to match your SDA dwelling enrolment information.  You will be given the option to list your vacancy in the SDA Finder.

To explore interactive SDA demand data, visit the SDA demand data page.

SDA finder

This page current as of
11 February 2025