The NDIS works with suitably experienced and qualified partner organisations to deliver local area coordination and the early childhood approach to Australians with disability. They are the face of the NDIS in the community.

If you are between the ages of 9 and 64 years of age, call the local area coordination partner in your local government area. They will be your main contact point for the NDIS.

If you have a child younger than 6 with developmental delay or younger than 9 with disability, call the early childhood partner in your local government area.

The early childhood partner will be your main contact point for the NDIS and will help you understand and access the most appropriate supports for your child

Find your NDIS partner

Use this map to find the partner office providing services in your local government area:    

Partner office operations and temporary closures

Some offices are temporarily closed to the public as a precaution during the coronavirus (COVID-19 pandemic). To find out which offices, visit the Partner office operations page. 

Metropolitan and regional early childhood partners

In the Northern Territory, Early Childhood Australia – NT Branch , is the partner delivering the early childhood approach to the Greater Darwin region, located at:  

  • Darwin
  • Litchfield
  • Palmerston.

Metropolitan and regional local area coordination partners

In the Northern Territory, APM is the partner delivering local area coordination services to the Greater Darwin region, located at:

  • Darwin
  • Litchfield
  • Palmerston.

Areas where partners do not deliver the early childhood approach or local area coordination services

Some areas of the Northern Territory do not have partners. If you live outside of Darwin, Litchfield or Palmerston, someone from the NDIA will work with you to connect you to the NDIS or to supports in your community.

You can contact the NDIS by phone 1800 800 110, email [email protected] or using webchat.

Interested in working for our early childhood partners? 

If you are interested in working for a local area coordinator or early childhood partner in the Northern Territory, visit the website recruitment pages:

Early childhood partner:

Local area coordinator partner:

NDIS participants and disaster management

The following websites can help you prepare and respond to emergencies and disasters:

Northern Territory statistics as at 30 September 2024

  • 6,181 people in the Northern Territory are benefiting from the NDIS
  • 4,217 people receiving support for the first time
  • 253 initial plans recently developed.

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This page current as of
13 November 2024