IAC – the voice of participants
The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) represents the participants’ voice in the NDIS.
Under the NDIS Act 2013, IAC has a statutory function to advise the NDIA Board on the most important issues affecting participants, carers and families. Their advice aims to improve the Scheme, participant experience and outcomes.
IAC and its reference groups have regular meetings to progress its advice and priority work. After each meeting, IAC releases a bulletin about what happened at the meeting. The bulletins are available in Easy Read.
IAC also publishes their formal advice to the NDIA Board, their Work Plan and Annual Report.
Learn more on the IAC website .
IAC members
IAC members represent a wide range of disability and advocacy sectors. Their lived experience and expertise of disability offers valuable insights. This in turn helps the NDIA Board with its decision making.
IAC comprises a Principal Member and up to 12 other members. The members are appointed by the Minister for the NDIS with the support of state and territory governments. The Principal Member must be a member of the NDIA Board.
Find out more about IAC’s members .
IAC’s reference groups
IAC established the following 4 reference groups to support its advice and priority work:
- Children, Young People and Families Reference Group
- Equity and Inclusion Reference Group
- Home and Living Reference Group
- Intellectual Disability Reference Group.
Find out more about IAC'S reference groups .
Get in touch with IAC
Please email the IAC Secretariat at [email protected] if you have an enquiry about IAC, its work or members.