The NDIA is committed to the continuous improvement of the methodologies underpinning the NDIS price controls framework.

A combination of market data, research, public consultation and regular industry engagement informs changes to pricing arrangements and price limits.

Update: A plain English version of the Annual Pricing Review (APR) has been released

The NDIA have released a plain English version of the 2023-24 Annual Pricing Review (APR). 

This is the first time we have published a plain English version of the APR, and welcome feedback on its usefulness.

The plain English version does not change any of the recommendations of the 2023-24 APR.

The publication of the plain English 2023-24 APR is aligned to the NDIA’s commitment to accessibility. 

The plain English version of the 2023/24 APR can be downloaded below:

The 2023-24 Annual Pricing Review (APR) report is now available

Recommendations from the 2023/24 APR reflect recent increases to award wages from the Fair Work Commission, and to ensure those delivering vital services to Australians living with disability are adequately renumerated.

Following this year’s APR, changes to become effective on 1 July include:

  • Fully implementing the Fair Work Commission's decision to increase minimum wages in awards and superannuation, ensuring providers can fairly compensate their workers. 
  • Increasing price limits for supports that are determined by the NDIS DSW Cost Model, including Level 1 support coordination services, to reflect changes in the minimum wages following the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review.
  • Increasing the price limits for psychologists, nurses and other supports based on how much wages and the cost of living have gone up. 
  • Maintaining existing pricing arrangements and price limits for therapy (except for psychologists) and support coordination level 2 and 3. 
  • Adjusting short-notice cancellation period for non-Disability Support Worker-related supports to 2 business days to better reflect market norms. 
  • 2023-24 Annual Pricing Review Report (PDF 3.1MB)
  • 2023-24 Annual Pricing Review Report (DOCX 2.3MB)

The NDIA will be hosting information sessions in July to provide an overview of the Annual Pricing Review (APR) and key changes for all providers. Register here to attend.

Thank you for your participation in the 2023-24 Annual Pricing Review

The NDIA would like to express its gratitude to all providers and participants who took the time to share their valuable feedback during the recent Annual Pricing Review consultation period.
Your insights and perspectives are important in helping ensure NDIS pricing arrangements are fair and support the delivery of high-quality disability supports.

What Happens Next?

The NDIA is carefully reviewing submissions and will publish a report for the Annual Pricing Review. While public input, evidence, and data are crucial elements, they do not solely determine the final pricing outcome. A range of research, statistical analysis and pricing benchmarking will also be undertaken to ensure recommendations are comprehensive.

We expect to publish the new price limits mid-this year, taking effect in July 2024. 

The consultation for the Annual Pricing Review is now closed.

The consultation for providers closed on Sunday 10 March 2024 and for participants on Sunday 17 March 2024. 

2023-24 Annual Pricing Review Consultation Papers

We released the APR Consultation Papers on 25 January 2024 to gather information to help review pricing arrangements and price limits that registered providers charge for disability support services. 

The Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (PAPL) apply to all supports purchased by Agency-managed and plan-managed participants. They do not apply to self-managed participants.

The consultation period for providers was extended from Sunday, 3 March 2024 to Sunday, 10 March 2024. The consultation period for participants remains open until Sunday, 17 March 2024.

The consultation paper explains the way we currently set prices for disability support services, and poses several questions to gather more information about:

  • supports delivered by disability support workers
  • therapy supports 
  • support coordination 
  • the NDIS cancellation policy. 

While we expect to receive information from providers and participants of disability support services, anybody interested in disability support services including advocacy groups, participants, nominees and carers, employees, government, providers, plan managers, professional and provider peak bodies, researchers as well as workers' unions are more than welcome to make submissions for consideration.

The NDIS Review has made extensive recommendations to Plan Managers’ roles and responsibilities. Whilst there are no immediate changes for the disability community, we will work closely with the community, partners and providers in implementing any future changes.

The Australian Government will carefully evaluate each recommendation from the NDIS Review and take time to transition to new arrangements in a careful way. To avoid rushing this process and ensure a smooth implementation strategy and transition post-Review, the response is expected to take several months.

We understand some participants and providers may have questions about the exclusion of Plan Management in the APR. While we have not included them this year, we’ll keep everyone informed once the Australian Government formally responds to the Review’s recommendations.

Download the terms of reference and the Consultation Papers below (please note that the Provider Consultation Paper states a closing date of 3 March 2024. However, this closing date was extended to 10 March 2024):

Frequently Asked Questions

This page current as of
21 October 2024
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