Psychosocial Disability Recovery-Oriented Framework

We are committed to improving the lives of people living with psychosocial disability. 

We have developed the Psychosocial Disability Recovery-Oriented Framework (Recovery Framework).

It has been developed to ensure that the NDIS is more responsive to participants living with psychosocial disability, their families and carers.

Download the Recovery Framework

What we strive for

Our vision is that participants living with psychosocial disability are supported to pursue:

  • their idea of personal recovery
  • living a life that has meaning for them
  • connections into their communities.

The Recovery Framework shows how we aim to achieve this vision.

What we are guided by

The Recovery Framework is guided by six principles.

The principles are:

  1. supporting personal recovery
  2. valuing lived experience
  3. NDIS and mental health services working together
  4. supporting informed decision making
  5.  being responsive to the episodic and fluctuating nature of psychosocial disability
  6.  a stronger NDIS recovery-oriented and trauma informed workforce.

A Recovery Framework informed by community

To develop the Recovery Framework, we held workshops with over 450 stakeholders nationally, including:

  • participants, their families and carers
  • peak bodies
  • state and territory governments.

It is also informed by research, submissions, consultations, articles, reports and policy documents.

We used both national and international research.

We would like to thank everyone for their contribution.

This page current as of
26 April 2024
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