Notice: We are removing the option to use secret question and answers to sign in to your linked myGov account. Improve your digital security by updating your myGov sign in options now.

Learn more about this change

What is myplace?

The NDIS participant portal is called myplace.

It is a secure website portal on the Australian Government’s myGov website where you or a person you trust (a nominee or child representative) can access your NDIS information.

What can I do on the myplace portal?

  • See your current plan and previous plans.
  • Check your contact details.
  • See messages from the NDIS.
  • Create and view payment requests.
  • Create and manage service bookings.
  • Upload documents, including assessments or service agreements.
  • Share your plan, or parts of your plan, with your service providers.
  • Find service providers.

How do I access myplace?

You will need a myGov account to sign in to myplace.

If you already have a myGov account for other government services such as Medicare, the Australian Taxation Office or Centrelink, you can use the same myGov account for the NDIS.

Visit myGov  to find out how to create your myGov account .

You will be given an activation code to use the first time you access the myplace portal. It is important that you access myplace as soon as possible after you receive your activation code, as the code will expire within 10 days.

If you need an activation code, or your activation code has expired, you can get another one by calling the NDIA on 1800 800 110 or contacting your early childhood partner or LAC.

myplace portal Privacy notice

The privacy notice explains how the NDIA will collect, use, and disclose the information you provide. 

By registering for the myplace portal, you confirm you agree: 

  • to share your personal information with the National Disability Insurance Agency for the purpose of delivering supports or services to you 
  • to share your personal information with the Services Australia for the purpose of delivering supports or services to you 
  • you have read and understood our Privacy Notice.

Read Participant portal privacy notice .

myplace portal Terms and conditions

This explains the terms and conditions of using the myplace portal. 

To use the portal, you must agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document.

Read Participant portal Terms and conditions .

Where can I get help?

If self-managed participants need support using the portal there are resources available below or you can call 1800 800 110.

myplace step-by-step guides

The myplace Step by Step Guide includes directions on using myplace:

System and error messages guide

Reactivating myplace portal access guide

If you need assistance with logging into myGov please call the myGov helpline on 13 23 07 and select option 1 (Operating Hours 7am – 10pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 5pm Saturdays and Sundays AEST) or you can go to the help section on the myGov website

myplace hints and tips

What Internet browser is best to use?

Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox are the most compatible with the myplace portals. Download these browsers so you can use all the functionality of myplace.

Understanding a Service Agreement and Service Bookings

A Service Agreement is an agreement between a participant and a provider (usually written), it sets out the expectations for what types of services will be delivered. They do not appear in the myplace portal.

Service Bookings are used to reserve plan budget for products or services to be delivered by a provider, and are required so a provider can request payment in the myplace portal. Service Bookings are like a request for a service.

Plan information

Participants should check their plan and Service Booking information and contact their local NDIS office if information looks incorrect. The NDIA will then update the information on your behalf.

Myplace updates in response to coronavirus (COVID-19)

Self-managed Core funding 

Core Supports help you with everyday activities, your current disability-related needs and to work towards your goals. Your core supports budget is flexible, and you can use your funding across any of the following four support categories:

  • Assistance with daily living (Daily Activities)
  • Consumables
  • Assistance with social and community participation (Social, community and civic participation)
  • Transport.

The portal has been updated so if you have core funding in your plan, you can claim supports from any of the four core categories. 

So what does this mean?

You can continue to use your core support funding to purchase the services and supports you need. This may include services such as short term need for self-care support. This update will make sure you have choice and control on how you use your core funding to achieve your goals. 

For example, a participants plan had $800 allocated to daily activities and $1000 to consumables. This gave the participant a total of $1800 to spend on supports in any of the core support categories. The portal now enables the participant to claim the total value of their core supports in any of the core categories. 

When you are claiming your supports in the myplace portal, claim against the budget that makes the most sense for the support you have purchased. 

In the example above, if you bought $1800 worth of consumables you would claim it all against the consumables budget. 

It is important to remember that NDIS funding is for disability-related supports, not for everyday or ordinary living expenses. 

What changes will be in the portal? 

If you do not have a core support budget, you will not see any change.

If you have a core support budget, you  may notice that all core support categories are now available when you make a payment request.

Previously only categories with available funding were visible.

For example, if you had $500 in consumables only, before you would have only the Consumables to select when creating a payment request.

Has the process for how I make payment requests change?

No. You make payment requests the same way but you will now have all four core categories to choose from when creating a payment request.

Does my periodic transport change?

No. You will continue to receive the payments directly into your bank account. The funding allocated in the periodic budget has not be changed.

Why can I not see transport as an option when I create a payment request?

This is because you are receiving periodic transport payments.

Why can I not see any of the core categories?

You will only see the core categories if you currently have core funding in your plan.

Other recent myplace updates

We continue to make improvements to our myplace portal systems.

These changes are part of the NDIA's commitment to improving the experience for participants and providers with the NDIS.

Some earlier updates to the myplace portal deliver the following enhancements to participants:

  • the option to edit any service booking regardless of who created it (plan and Agency managed)
  • the option to end service bookings
  • automatically share and reflect contact details updated in myGov with the myplace portal and NDIA where participants have a linked Medicare, Centrelink or Australian Taxation Office (ATO) account 
  • the option to cancel payment requests.

These changes have been made in partnership with participants. These enhancements are a part of the NDIA’s commitment to delivering a high-quality Scheme, and improving the online experience for participants.

We value your feedback, and would like to hear what you think about these improvements. Please email the NDIA to share your feedback with us.

Participant Satisfaction Survey

We’d like to know about your experience with the NDIS. 

We’re inviting participants, their families and carers to tell us about their recent contact with the NDIS.

To let us know about your experience with us please log in to the myplace Participant Portal and go to the ‘complete survey’ link in the bottom right hand corner of the page. The survey should only take about 5 minutes to complete.

The survey collects information about your recent experience with the NDIS.

This information will support the Agency to measure the level of satisfaction with people’s NDIA experience.

The results of the survey are used to improve NDIA services.

Responses are private, and any identifying data is removed. We will not reply individually to people who complete the survey.  

New my NDIS portal

We’re introducing a new computer system and some improvements to the way we deliver the NDIS. Find out about what we're doing next .  

To help us deliver our new computer system, we’ve built a new participant portal. The new my NDIS portal is only for NDIS plans built in our new computer system. 

Learn more about the my NDIS portal.

This page current as of
16 July 2024
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