NDIS Fraud reporting form
By completing this form, you are helping keep the NDIS fair for everyone.
It is our policy, based on privacy and confidentiality principles, not to provide any updates or outcomes on current matters
Emergency services
This system is not monitored 24/7.
If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, please contact the following organisations for support:
- Emergency services - 000
- Lifeline - 13 11 14
- Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
- Employee assistance program (APS employees) - 1300 360 364.
Reporting other suspicious behaviour
There are some issues that we cannot help you with. Below you may find information about where to go for help with:
Privacy and your personal information
The information you provide in this Form will be used by the NDIA for fraud, integrity and enforcement purposes. You are not required to give your personal information in this Form. If you would like to complete this Form, you may choose to provide information including personal and sensitive information as defined in the Privacy Act 1988, such as whether you are a participant in the NDIS.
You have the option to complete this Form anonymously, unless you choose to provide your name and contact details. If you choose to provide your contact details, the NDIA may contact you to obtain additional information to assist with a compliance review or investigation.
Information about the collection, use, disclosure and storage of personal information by the NDIA is available in our Privacy Policy . The NDIA’s Privacy Policy also contains information about how you can access and seek correction of personal information and the NDIA’s privacy complaints procedure.
All responses you provide will be treated confidentially and used only for the NDIA’s purposes related to fraud, integrity and enforcement. By completing and submitting this Form, you consent to the use and disclosure of your personal information as outlined above.
It is our policy, based on privacy and confidentiality principles, not to provide any updates or outcomes on current matters.
Freedom of Information
It is possible that information you provide may be released to the person concerned, either as part of the appeals process or under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. However, it is NDIS policy to keep your identity confidential. You can choose whether or not to include your name and other identifying information about you.
Any information about a person that is collected, recorded, used in relation to, or as a result of, a fraud tip-off is ‘protected Agency information’ and must be handled in accordance with the secrecy provision in section 60 of the NDIS Act.
Other information
- You can remain anonymous
- The web form takes around 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
- You cannot save the form, so you must complete it in one session.
- There are four (4) sections in this form:
- Your Details,
- Who is Committing the Suspected Fraud,
- Suspected Fraud Details,
- Impacted Participant Details
- At the end of the form, you will have the option to attach supporting documents (e.g. evidence of the concerning behaviour)
- It's ok if you can't answer all the questions, provide as much detail as you have, the more info you provide the better able we are to action your report
- Penalties may be imposed for giving false or misleading information.