What is an internal review of a decision?
If you are not happy with a decision we have made, such as our decision to approve your plan, we may be able to review that decision.
This is called an internal review of a decision.
In an internal review of a decision, we will check if we made the right decision under the law by looking at the facts and circumstances at the time of the internal review. If we need more information to make our decision, we’ll contact you.
You can also give us any additional information when you ask for a review.
If your situation and support needs have changed since our decision, you can also ask us to change your plan.
How do we review decisions?
We want to help you understand how and why we make decisions.
There are some decisions we can review, and there are other decisions we can’t review.
Our Guidelines, ‘Reviewing our Decisions’ has information about:
- what kinds of decisions we can review
- who can ask for an internal review of a decision, and for what types of decisions
- what happens during an internal review of a decision
- what you can do if you still don’t agree with the outcome after an internal review of a decision.
What other options are available to you?
There are other options available to you if you don’t agree with a decision we have made.
- You can ask us to explain our decision. We can also give you written reasons for our decision. Contact the NDIA for more information about this option.
- If the decision is about your approved plan, you can talk to your Early Childhood Partner, Local Area Coordinator or Support Coordinator for help with other ways to use your plan to access supports.
- If you are not a participant, you can seek help from an Early Childhood Partner or Local Area Coordinator to find supports available for you. To access the NDIS, you can submit a new access request. Visit the access request and support for people who are not eligible pages for more information.
- We may identify your supports are best delivered by other service systems. Visit mainstream and community supports for more information.
- You can get more evidence ahead of your next plan review. For more information about what evidence you may need, visit plan reassessment reports, changing your plan and preparing for your plan reassessment.
How do you ask for an internal review of a decision?
For more information about making a request, visit the How to request an internal review of a decision page.