Finding, keeping and changing jobs

There are many benefits to having a job, and we want to help NDIS participants who want to work, to get the job they like and keep it.

 Having a job expands social networks, raises living standards, and increases financial independence and self-worth. There are a lot of ways that we can help you to pursue your employment goals.

IncludeAbility (Australian Human Rights Commission) 

IncludeAbility has information and resources for:

  • people with disability seeking employment, developing a career or considering self-employment.
  • employers who want to create meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability

NDIS/ Disability Employment Services (DES) Pathways Pilot 

The Australian Government is conducting a pilot to better understand what works for NDIS participants when looking for and starting work.

The pilot is open to NDIS participants who want to work, do not have mutual obligations and are in the following locations:

  • Australian Capital Territory
  • Darwin
  • Outer Eastern Melbourne

Eligible participants can discuss their interest with their Local Area Coordinator or a DES provider. 

For more information about the pilot visit the Department of Social Services website .

You can find a list of Frequently Asked Questions on the Department of Social Services website .

This page current as of
12 March 2024