Booklets and factsheets

These resources have been developed as part of the improvements to our computer system and ways of working.

You can order printed copies of some resources by calling 1800 800 110, emailing [email protected] or using webchat on the NDIS website.

You can also ask for a printed copy of some resources at any NDIS office.

To view information in languages other than English (including Auslan), go to the Languages section of the NDIS website.

Making connections 

How the NDIS can help

Community connections

Early connections

Applying to the NDIS 

Applying to the NDIS

Confirming your identity

Understanding consent


Child representatives

Creating your NDIS plan

Creating your plan

Your plan meeting 

Support categories 

Recording my providers

Using your NDIS plan

Using your NDIS plan

Managing your funding

Working with providers

Changing your plan

Changing your plan


More NDIS information

Children younger than 9


To view the Let’s talk about work booklet, see the Let’s talk about work page.

Guide to self-management

To view the Guide to self-management booklet, see the self-management page.

Participant journey booklet

To view the Participant journey booklet, see the participant journey page.

Evidence of Identity

Evidence you need to give us before we create or change your plan

We need different types of evidence for different types of supports.

Learn more about the evidence you need to give us to create or change your plan:

Contact us accessibility services

Translating and interpreting

For a free-of-charge translator or interpreter phone 131 450

If you have hearing or speech loss

TTY: 1800 555 677
Speak and Listen: 1800 555 727

National relay service

Visit the National Relay Service website.

This page current as of
30 July 2024
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