On this page:
- Autism Advisory Group
- Children’s Expert Advisory Group
- Co-design Advisory Group
- Disability Representative and Carer Organisations
- Dispute Resolution Forum
- Independent Advisory Council
- Industry Chief Executive Forum
- Mental Health Sector Reference Group
- Neurological, Palliative care and Rare conditions (NPR) Working Group
- Participant Reference Group
- Pricing Reference Group
- Self-Management Advisory Group
- Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Reference Group
The NDIA works closely with a number of sector reference groups to help develop a strong working partnership.
Autism Advisory Group
The Autism Advisory Group was established in 2018 to provide a strong voice on behalf of people with autism who are participating in the NDIS.
Children’s Expert Advisory Group
The NDIA established the Children’s Expert Advisory Group (the Group, or the Advisory Group) in 2024 to focus on the experiences of children aged 0-14 years in the NDIS.
Co-design Advisory Group
The Co-design Advisory Group provides strategic advice to the NDIA on the implementation of co-design and engagement processes in the disability community.
Disability Representative and Carer Organisations
We work closely with 27 Disability Representative and Carer Organisations (DRCOs). These DRCOs work with the NDIA on reforms, changes and improvements to the NDIS.
The DRCO Forum meets quarterly to discuss Scheme improvements and experiences of participants across Australia.
Dispute Resolution Forum
The DRF consults with participants, legal aid organisations, government and the disability sector on how to better engage with participants who appeal an NDIA decision to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART).
Independent Advisory Council
The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) represents the participants’ voice in the NDIS. Under the NDIS Act 2013, the IAC has a statutory function to advise the NDIA Board on the most important issues affecting participants, carers and families.
Their advice aims to improve the Scheme, participant experience and outcomes.
Industry Chief Executive Forum
The purpose of the Industry Chief Executive Forum (ICE), formerly the Industry Reference Group (IRG), is to advise on improvements to the NDIS, which support development of a competitive market with innovative supports and services, and empower participants to pursue their goals in inclusive communities and workplaces
Mental Health Sector Reference Group
The first meeting of the Mental Health Sector Reference Group was held in 2014.
Neurological, Palliative care and Rare conditions (NPR) Working Group
The Neurological, Palliative care and Rare conditions (NPR) Working Group supports the Agency to deliver improved experiences for people with neurodegenerative and neuromuscular disorders or rare conditions or those requiring palliative care. The first meeting was held in May 2024.
Participant Reference Group
The Participant Reference Group (PRG) consists of 23 participant and carer representatives across Australia.
Pricing Reference Group
The Pricing Reference Group was established in response to the Independent Pricing Review (IPR) commissioned by the NDIA Board to address pricing issues raised by participants and providers. The Group first met in October 2018.
Self-Management Advisory Group
The Self-Management Advisory Group provides strategic advice to the NDIA about the needs of people who self-manage their NDIS plans. The group will help shape how we co-design and engage with the disability community about changes that impact self-management.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Reference Group
The SDA Reference Group was established by the NDIA to support the development of the market, increase choice and control for participants, and ensure the long-term viability of SDA investments under the NDIS.