The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) starts in Perth Hills on 1 July, giving local people with disability access to tailored support.
National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) chairman Bruce Bonyhady said the trial site, which takes in local government areas of Swan, Mundaring and Kalamunda, will support up to 4300 people over the next two years.
“This is significantly more than the 1800 children, young people and adults with disability that are currently receiving support in these areas,” Mr Bonyhady said.
“Three years ago, the Productivity Commission, in its landmark report, recommended an NDIS because all state and federal disability systems needed to be reformed.
“For the first time in the history of disability support in this country, people with disabilities and their families will have choice and control over the implementation of their reasonable and necessary supports.”
The NDIS funds the reasonable and necessary support needed for people to achieve their individual goals and aspirations. The scheme can help participants and their families engage in education, employment and their community, become more independent and receive necessary equipment.
NDIA WA site manager Marita Walker said the trial was locally run by local people with extensive experience in the disability, community and mental health sectors.
“It is so exciting to be working with the community to make the NDIS the best it can be and seize this opportunity,” Ms Walker said. “It’s the biggest social policy change in 30 years.”
The NDIS trial in the Perth Hills will be run at the same time as a State Government version of the trial, known as NDIS My Way, in the Lower South-West.
From 1 July, NDIS trail sites also commence in the ACT and Barkly area of the Northern Territory. These sites now join four existing sites in the Hunter (NSW), Barwon (VIC), South Australia (for children under six years of age), and Tasmania (for young people, aged 15 to 24 years).
For further information, visit the NDIS website.