The NDIS After Hours Crisis Referral Service (AHCRS) is a dedicated 1800 number for approved emergency services referrers to contact outside business hours when a participant aged 18 and over presents to emergency services due to a breakdown of disability-related supports.
‘Outside business hours’ means after normal weekday business hours (5pm to 9am Monday to Friday, weekends and public holidays).
‘Approved referrers’ include emergency service organisations such as ambulance, public and private hospitals, police, acute state mental health services and state justice officers.
Each state and territory government has worked with the NDIA to identify approved referrers in each area.
The 1800 number has been provided to all relevant emergency services in each state and territory.
The service is delivered by Marathon Health on behalf of the NDIA.
Existing crisis and escalation arrangements during business hours remain in place, such as contacting the NDIS National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110, or a local NDIS representative.
The AHCRS does not replace the responsibilities of state and territory mainstream or emergency services.
The state and territory governments have a responsibility to continue to ensure access to mainstream services for people with disability.
This can include housing and homelessness services, family violence services and other mainstream crisis services.
If you are experiencing a crisis due to your disability-related supports or your health or wellbeing is at risk, contact emergency services for immediate assistance on 000.