Use this tool to explore the latest SDA demand data.

SDA demand data is updated regularly and includes information about the number of SDA-eligible participants who:

  • are living in SDA
  • have SDA funding and are looking for suitable SDA
  • are seeking alternative SDA
  • have completed the SDA housing assessment and are awaiting SDA funding in their plan.

The SDA demand data has location and building type search filters and you can also export the data to CSV or PDF.

Quarterly SDA reports , available to download, share data and insights about changes in SDA supply and the SDA-eligible participant cohort over time.

NDIS data can be accessed on the Participant datasets page. Researchers, academics and government agencies can request specific NDIS data. If you are interested in a tailored NDIS data set, please visit the Request data page. 

To list or update an SDA dwelling vacancy, complete the online form .

To view current SDA vacancies, use the SDA Finder.

For more SDA data please visit theSDA data page

SDA demand data

This page current as of
6 December 2024