July 2019 - SDA Reference Group

NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Reference Group Communique - Meeting, Tuesday 18 July 2019

The Members confirmed the previous minutes.

Limited Cost Assumptions Review

The chair thanked the members for feedback on the SDA Limited Cost Assumptions Review. The timeframe for submissions has now closed and the NDIS will undertake to release the outcomes of the review as soon as possible.

SDA Design Standard

The group discussed the proposed SDA Design Standard document, and provided feedback. This included the need to incorporate universal housing design principles in the document, and ensuring the right tension between minimum standards and customisation is maintained, among other issues. 

Update on SDA policy changes

The Department of Social Services presented on the ongoing policy work from the SDA review, including changes to the SDA rules and dwelling enrolments, and flexibility around how properties may be used. The rule changes take account of the SDA Pricing and Payments Framework agreed by the Disability Reform Council. 

Q&A with Hon Minister Robert, MP

The Minister attended the meeting and invited the group to provide feedback on what is required to see the NDIS achieve its SDA goals. Feedback included the need for regulatory certainty, improved access to data, funding certainty, and the regular communication.

Proposed items for future meetings

Members proposed a range of topics of interest for future agenda items including:\

  • Robust SDA – definition of and supply issues