May 2019 - SDA Reference Group

NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Reference Group Communique - Meeting, Wednesday 29 May 2019

The Members confirmed the previous minutes.

Limited Cost Assumptions Review

The NDIA provided an update on the progress of the review. Members then held a general discussion on submission themes, including location factors, and construction and management cost assumptions.

SDA Design Standard

The NDIA provided background and a progress update on the development of the new SDA Design standard. The NDIA stated its commitment to incorporating feedback from the group. 

SDA Innovation Plan

The NDIA provided an overview of its developing contemporary and innovative approaches strategy. The group welcomed the focus on innovation and early engagement. The NDIA agreed to conduct a further session with the reference group at the next meeting.

Other business

Members discussed the recently released NDIA Quarterly report to COAG and progress of the Disability Reform Council SDA Framework review.

Proposed items for future meetings

Members proposed a range of topics of interest for future agenda items including:

  • Information to support understanding for participants as agreed by the Disability Reform Council 
  • A customer relationship model for SDA providers to support them to navigate the SDA processes
  • Relationship between Supported Independent Living and SDA