Making NDIS payments faster and safer

The NDIA has recently concluded a Request for Tender (RFT) to build a new Claims at Point of Support (C-POS) channel, giving participants and providers a faster, more secure way to make their NDIS claims.

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia was successful in this process and will partner with the NDIA to create a better option for managing claims, without the need for participants to pay up front using their own funds. 

It will make NDIS claims faster by reducing the administrative workload for participants and providers as well as helping make self-managed plans more accessible. It will also support ongoing efforts to reduce fraud in the NDIS. 

This new system will not replace the way providers and participants make claims but will be in addition to current claims channels.

The NDIA will work with participants, providers and the disability sector during the design process. More information about consultation opportunities will be available in the coming weeks.