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  • Provider news
Following the recent announcement regarding NDIA legislation, we are evaluating the changes necessary for the Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (PAPL) 2024-2025. The NDIA considers this a priority, and we recognise the importance of keeping you informed. We will share a further update soon.
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The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has published the NDIA Position Statement Conflicts of Interest in the NDIS Provider Market . From May to July 2024, the NDIA met with participants, providers, and disability organisations to understand experiences people have had with conflicts of interest and what resources would help support them to manage the conflicts. Following the co-design sessions, the NDIA developed the Position Statement, information and resources to support and educate participants and providers on conflicts of interest in the NDIS provider market.
  • Media release
The latest National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quarterly Report shows the Scheme remains on track to improve its financial sustainability, with total Scheme expenses for the recent quarter almost $150 million below expectations.
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Key Themes and Insights 1. Current issues Key Themes: NDIA eligibility reassessment processes. Key Insights: Current eligibility reassessment communications are problematic for people with permanent disability, for example Down Syndrome, and are causing significant trauma for participants and families. Concern the Agency is sending participants eligibility reassessment letters when their case is sitting before the Administrative Review Tribunal. Concern participants are not receiving the initial communication asking for evidence as part of their eligibility reassessment. The Agency needs a process for confirming the participant received the initial letter. Concern the Agency is calling participants about eligibility reassessments without notice. Participants...