Supports in employment
The NDIS can fund supports in employment for participants who need extra help to pursue their employment goals.
For more information visit the Supports in Employment page.
How we fund support at work
If you need help to do your job, your NDIS plan may include money to pay for your supports at work.
This is called Supports in Employment and is in the core budget in your plan.
You can use this funding to pay a provider to help to do your job in different settings such as open employment, run a micro-business/self-employment or work in a supported employment service also known as an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE).
Funding for Supports in Employment gives you choice about where you work.
The information below is to help participants think about the support they need to do their current job or to think about changing jobs.
It will help you get ready for your next planning meeting.
- Information for participants working in an ADE (DOCX 239MB)
- Easy Read - Information for participants working in an ADE (PDF 5.2MB)
- Easy Read - Information for participants working in an ADE (DOCX 66KB)
If you are working in supported employment and are looking for a change, talk to your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or Support Coordinator about your new employment goals.
If you are working in open employment and looking for a change, or assistance to manage the impact of your disability at work, visit the JobAccess webpage .
JobAccess can help people with disability find and keep jobs; get promoted to better jobs; upgrade or expand their workplace skills plus more.
Disability Employment Services
Disability Employment Services (DES) provides specialist employment assistance to help people with disability, injury or health conditions, find and retain suitable employment in the open labour market. It also provides support to their employers if needed.
There are two parts to Disability Employment Services
- Disability Management Services - they help jobseekers with disability, injury or health conditions find a job. They can also provide occasional support in the workplace.
- Employment Support Services - they help jobseekers with permanent disability find a job if they need regular, ongoing support in the workplace.
The Australian Government funds Work Assist so it's a is a free service. Work Assist provides support to people with injury, disability or health conditions so they can continue working in their job. For more information, visit the Job Access website .
For assistance finding and connecting to a DES, visit the Job Access website or talk to your local Centrelink representative.
Some people are not able to access a DES
For example:
- Centrelink may have assessed you were not ready for the open labour market/open employment; or
- You may already be working above your assessed work capacity.
If you can’t access a DES, talk to your LAC or Support Coordinator about your employment goals.
If you are thinking about retirement, talk to your LAC or Support Coordinator about your retirement plans.