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117 Results for 'languages'
Participants from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds may require assistance to access translation and interpreting services in order to implement the supports available in their NDIS Plan.
The aim of the NDIS is to give participants choice and control over their lives while helping to ensure they are not at risk of harm, abuse, neglect or exploitation. Safeguards are important in minimising risk and helping to improve the level of service that organisations provide.
Est-ce que l’anglais n’est pas votre langue Is English not your first language? Services d'interprétation Language interpreting services Cette fiche d'information contient des informations destinées aux personnes en situation de handicap qui nécessitent des services d'interprétation. Livrets participants Participant booklets Il existe trois livrets participants pour aider les personnes en situation de handicap et les participants pendant le NDIS. Livret 1: Faire une demande pour le NDIS Booklet 1 – Applying for the NDIS Que contient ce document ?  Quel est le rôle du NDIS ?  Qui participe à la mise en œuvre du NDIS ?  Étapes à suivre pour faire...
This is a brief overview of information about naturalistic developmental behavioural interventions (NDBIs), taken from the Autism CRC report, Interventions for children on the autism spectrum: A synthesis of research evidence (Autism Interventions Evidence Report). There are seven other category overviews available designed to help people learn about different interventions and their research evidence. To understand the information in its full context, we encourage you to access the full report. Why are NDBIs supposed to support children's development? The intervention category of NDBIs was proposed in 2015 to describe several intervention practices that had recently emerged from the practical integration...
This is a brief overview of information about developmental interventions, taken from the Autism CRC report, Interventions for children on the autism spectrum: A synthesis of research evidence (Autism Interventions Evidence Report). There are seven other category overviews available designed to help people learn about different interventions and their research evidence. To understand the information in its full context, we encourage you to access the full report. Why are developmental interventions supposed to support children's development? Developmental interventions draw primarily on cognitive (notes 1 and 2) or social (note 3) constructivist theories, which suggest that children construct knowledge and skills...
This is a brief overview of information about technology-based interventions, taken from the Autism CRC report, Interventions for children on the autism spectrum: A synthesis of research evidence (Autism Interventions Evidence Report). There are seven other category overviews available designed to help people learn about different interventions and their research evidence. To understand the information in its full context, we encourage you to access the full report. Why are technology-based interventions supposed to support children's development? Technology-based interventions predominantly use computer technology as the primary medium of intervention delivery. The theoretical underpinnings differ across practices, but generally centre on the...
The NDIA recommends having a written service agreement so participants and providers are clear about what each party has agreed to. Service agreements help make sure the participant and provider have the same expectations of what supports will be delivered and how they will be delivered.
英语是否是您的第一语言? 若您需人帮忙联系全国残障保险计划,请拨打 131 450 致电翻译及传译服务。 口译服务 Language interpreting services 本资料单包含了为需要口译服务的残障人士提供的信息。 参与者手册 Participant booklets 共为残障人士和参与者准备了三本参与者手册,从而在获取NDIS的过程中为他们提供支持。 手册1 —— 如何申请加入全国残障保险计划(NDIS) Booklet 1 – Applying for the NDIS 文件内容 NDIS 的目的是什么? NDIS 由谁来帮助实施? 申请 NDIS 的步骤 NDIS 的资金可以用于支付哪些服务费用? 如何申请加入全国残障保险计划(NDIS) (PDF 6.32MB) 如何申请加入全国残障保险计划(NDIS) (DOCX 2.46MB) 手册2 —— 制定您的 NDIS 计划 Booklet 2 – Creating your NDIS plan 文件内容 为您的计划制定会谈作准备 如何制定计划? 关于您目标的信息 手册2 ——制定您的 NDIS 计划 (3.78MB) 手册2 ——制定您的 NDIS 计划 (DOCX 2.85MB) 手册3 —— 使用您的 NDIS 计划 Booklet 3 – Using your NDIS plan 文件内容 如何启动您的 NDIS 计划? 使用您的计划 开始接受援助服务 重新评估您的计划 手册3 —— 使用您的计划 (PDF 6.83MB) 使用您的 NDIS 计划 (DOCX 4.17MB) 帮助您的孩子 Help for your...