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47 Results for 'What is an Access Request Form'
If you want information about our services or you are unsure about something, we encourage you to contact your local NDIA office. Included on this page are instructions and forms for contacting the NDIA.
Information on what is considered good evidence of disability; who provides evidence of your disability; what evidence you need from a treating professional; how a access decision is made; what happens when you don't meet NDIS access criteria and can another access request be made at a later date.
Information about changes in circumstances, what they include, what they can affect, a form to complete for contacting the NDIA, and frequently asked questions.
About self-managing your NDIS funding, including the guide that will help you understand the benefits of self-management, roles and responsibilities and how to self-manage effectively. This guide will be updated regularly to ensure it meets the needs of people self-managing their NDIS funding.
Information about Freedom of Information (FOI) and your rights including how to access information without an FOI request, how to make a request, the fees and charges, timelines, reviews of FOI decisions and complaints about FOI requests.