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855 Results for 'funding'
Personal care is one of the disability-related supports students get at school. It forms part of the adjustments schools provide to personalise learning and support for students with disability. If you are at a government school, your state or territory government pays for the support and it is delivered by your school.
Finding and keeping a job is a goal for many of us. Our research examines how positive employment outcomes can be achieved for people with autism, intellectual disability and psychosocial disability.
A Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Reference Group was established by the NDIA to support the development of the SDA market, increase choice and control for participants, and ensure the long-term viability of SDA investments under the NDIS.
For the purposes of calculating a CRA (as relevant), the actuarial model can be accessed here. Rule 3.14 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Supports for Participants- Accounting for Compensation Rules) 2013 requires the publication of the actuarial model used in the calculation of the compensation reduction amount component Rule 3.13(e). The Chief Executive Officer, as advised by the NDIS Scheme Actuary, takes into account various pieces of information to determine the value of the reasonable and necessary supports that would have been provided to the participant and funded under the Act over the participant’s expected lifetime, had the participant...
The Australian Government has invested $29.3 million in the NDIA to improve participant access to evidence-based supports that meet their individual needs.