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162 Results for 'guidelines'
This material is general in nature. National Disability Insurance Agency accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material contained on this site.
If you have a disability and you're involved in the justice system, you have the same rights as anyone to become or remain an NDIS participant.
What is a compensation reduction amount (CRA) and why do I need an estimate? If you are a current or prospective NDIA participant who has suffered a personal injury, and are considering a settlement or agreement about that personal injury, you may need to know how much your NDIS plan might be adjusted by, when you receive compensation. A CRA estimate will give you an idea of how much your existing or future NDIS plan might be adjusted by when we take into account compensation payments. About the CRA online estimator and how to use it The CRA online estimator...
How providers and partners can use the ‘I heart NDIS’ and ‘I support NDIS’ logos to show your support and raise community awareness about the NDIS. Links to our social media channels, such as Facebook and YouTube, and download logo files.
Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA dwellings have accessible features to help residents live more independently and allow other supports to be delivered better or more safely. Participants eligible for SDA: have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs meet the specialist disability accommodation needs requirement and the NDIS funding criteria More information about SDA and eligibility is in the SDA Operational Guideline. SDA helps to stimulate the market to produce high quality, contemporary, accessible, well-designed housing for participants with SDA funding...
Making SIL Better is our commitment to improving how we manage and deliver supported independent living supports (SIL) to participants.