Since 1 October 2019, additional disability-related health supports have been available for participants to purchase using NDIS funding. The need for these supports must directly relate to an NDIS participant’s functional impairment, where the support need is ongoing and is most appropriately funded or provided by the NDIS.
Disability-related health supports can be delivered by a suitably competent worker, which may include nurses and/or allied health practitioners.
The health system will continue to be responsible for the diagnosis and clinical treatment of health conditions, ongoing and chronic health conditions not related to a participant’s disability, time limited (non-ongoing) palliative conditions and acute/post-acute care (e.g. hospital and Hospital in the Home).
The inclusion of disability-related health supports into NDIS funding packages provides an opportunity for health providers to consider registering as an NDIS provider.
Many state and territory health services are already NDIS registered providers. In many situations, participants may be able to select their existing provider to deliver these supports.
The number of participants funded for disability-related health supports is expected to grow significantly in the next 12 months. There are market opportunities for providers who are already registered or are considering registering to provide these types of supports.
More details are available in our disability-related health supports guideline.