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218 Results for 'using your ndis plan '
Remote Community Connectors are community-based NDIA representatives that support the culturally appropriate delivery of the NDIS in remote and very remote communities.
As a provider of early childhood intervention support it’s important you provide families and carers of children younger than 7 who are NDIS participants, an annual provider report.
A scam is an illegal trick. Scams usually try to get money illegally from people. A scam is a type of fraud. Scams target people of all backgrounds, ages and income levels across Australia. All of us may be vulnerable to a scam at some time. Scams succeed because they look like the real thing and catch you off guard when you’re not expecting it. Scammers are getting smarter. They take advantage of new technology, new products or services and major events to create believable stories that will convince you to give them your money or personal information. Our factsheet...
Providers help you work towards your goals. They may need to understand what your goals are and how they can help you. It’s important that you are comfortable with the way you communicate with your provider. You can communicate in different ways.
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Research and Evaluation is a core function of the National Disability Insurance Agency (the ‘Agency’). Our work supports positive participant outcomes by ensuring policies, practices and priorities are informed by trustworthy and robust evidence.

The Australian Government has invested $63.8 million in the NDIA to implement a new lifetime planning approach. This initiative will focus on finding ways to make plans more flexible so they can meet the changing needs of participants and families over their lifetime.