
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has concluded the SDA Pricing Review 2022-23 which evaluated the impact of current SDA prices on the supply and demand of SDA housing, and set new benchmark SDA prices for the next five years.

New prices for SDA have been released effective 1 July 2023.

SDA Pricing changes are grouped into the following 3 key areas: 

  1. Changes to SDA funding for 2023/24 for SDA New Builds that are enrolled on or after 1 July 2023
  2. Changes to SDA funding for 2023/24 for SDA New Builds that were enrolled before 1 July 2023, and 
  3. Changes to SDA funding for 2023/24 for Legacy and Existing Stock

Information for Participants

If you are a participant living in an SDA dwelling, there will be no changes to the SDA supports you receive.

In order for us to ensure that the SDA funds in your NDIS plan are updated with the correct new price for SDA, it is important that the SDA dwelling you reside in is correctly listed in the myplace portal. We suggest you check your standard address details in the myplace portal and if the SDA dwelling address you live in is listed incorrectly, you will need to update it. 

To update your standard address in the myplace portal, follow these steps to access the instructions: 

  1. Click here: ndis - How to use the myplace portal 
  2. Scroll down to myplace ‘step-by-step guides Part 2 – Contact Details’ 
  3. Open either the PDF or DOC  
  4. The instructions to update your standard address appear on page 10. 

We will make changes to the SDA funding in participants' plans as commencing in October 2023 and SDA providers will be provided with instructions on how to claim the new SDA funding. The support you receive will not change and you don’t need to request a NDIS plan reassessment for your SDA funding to be adjusted.

If you're not living in an enrolled SDA dwelling but have SDA in your plan, the SDA funding amounts won’t be updated until you advise the NDIA that you have moved into an enrolled SDA dwelling. 

There haven’t been any changes made to who can live in an SDA dwelling or who is eligible for SDA funding.    

Reasonable Rent Contribution

Your reasonable rent contribution will not be affected by the changes to SDA prices. 

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Supported Independent Living (SIL) and/or Onsite Shared Supports (OSS) will not change as a result of the new SDA price changes.

Further Information

For information about your SDA eligibility or funding, please speak to your Support Coordinator, NDIS Planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC).

Information for Providers

The new SDA benchmark prices take effect from 1 July 2023, however implementation will be undertaken in stages.

In preparation for implementing the new SDA prices commencing in October 2023, we are encouraging providers to check with participants residing in their SDA dwelling/s to ensure their standard address listed in the myplace portal accurately reflects the address where the SDA participant resides. 

This will assist the implementation of accurate new SDA prices commencing in October 2023, with the participant’s plan containing adequate funding that includes the new SDA funding.

An email that included information about how participants or their advocates can update their SDA home address in the myplace portal was sent to all SDA providers on 7 September 2023. 

SDA Providers should continue to claim SDA in line with current approved service booking amounts until the service bookings are adjusted by the NDIA. 

Any adjustments to the level of SDA funding in participants’ plans will occur as a part of:

  • a scheduled Plan Reassessment;
  • a Change of Circumstance; or 
  • a review of a Reviewable decision made on or after 1 July 2023 until further notice. 

For all other participants with SDA funds in their plans who are currently residing in your SDA dwelling, a once-off adjustment will be made by the NDIA commencing in October 2023. 

Where there is an increase in SDA pricing for your dwelling you will be able to claim the difference when the Service Booking(s) are updated by the NDIA commencing October 2023.  

Where there is a reduction in SDA pricing for your dwelling, you can choose to claim the lower amount to reduce the amount of funds that may be required to be returned to the NDIA. 

Annual Indexation 

There is a change to how indexation will be applied to the SDA funds in a participant’s plan. 

Indexation has been included in the new NDIS SDA Price Calculators for 2023-24, therefore indexation will be applied to the SDA funding in a participant’s plan that has a scheduled Plan Reassessment; a Change of Circumstance, or Review of a Reviewable decision on or after 1 July 2023 until further notice. 

For all other participants with SDA funds in their plans who are currently residing in your SDA dwelling, the once-off adjustment for new SDA prices which includes indexation will be made by the NDIA commencing October 2023. 

Effective 1 July 2024, the annual indexation of SDA funds in a participant’s plan will be an automated process, with no manual intervention required.   

GST Input Tax Credits from 1 July 2023

There are changes to the treatment of GST Input Tax Credits that only applies to New Build SDA enrolled on or after 1 July 2023. 

Providers need to carefully determine whether they were legally allowed to claim input tax credits on the dwelling’s construction or purchase costs.

It is also the provider’s responsibility to submit evidence of their GST status if requested by the NDIA. For post 2023 new builds, the allowable price limit differs depending on the GST input tax credit situation.

It is important to distinguish between claiming input tax credits and your legal eligibility to do so. Even if you didn’t claim the input tax credits, the lower price limit applies if you were eligible to claim those credits.

Further Information

Please continue to monitor the NDIS website for future updates regarding claiming for SDA.  

This page current as of
1 February 2024
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