Home and living supports funded by the NDIS
The NDIS funds some home and living supports that may be required because of disability support needs. These include:
- supports that build people's capacity to live independently in the community. This includes supports to improve living skills, money and household management, social and communication skills and behavioural management
- home modifications to the participant's own home or a private rental property and on a case-by-case basis in social housing
- support with personal care, such as assistance with showering and dressing where these are required
- home help where the participant is unable to undertake these tasks due to their disability, such as assistance with cleaning and laundry
- supports to assist you with finding and maintaining suitable housing
- Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in rare situations if you have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.
Supports funded by the NDIS must meet all other NDIS funding criteria before it can be included in a plan.
Other than specialist disability accommodation, we don’t generally fund housing. The housing and community infrastructure system is primarily responsible for housing and homelessness services.
Check out housing and community infrastructure for further information on responsibilities.
Examples of participants who may require home and living support include, but are not limited to:
- Participants who have living arrangements that are no longer suitable for their disability-related needs.
- Participants who have restricted or limited mobility and are limited by their accommodation and unable to carry out day to day activities or have difficulties accessing facilities e.g. bathroom, kitchen, toilet, inside and outside of their accommodation safely.
- Participants who have a need for specialist home and living solutions to provide a basis for the provision of suitable care – for example an adult participant with complex behaviour support needs.
- Participants who have somewhere to live, but their quality of life would be significantly improved by moving to alternative suitable accommodation or accessing additional support.
- Participants who are currently in health care facilities who are unable to return to their pre admission accommodation setting safely when discharged from the health care facility.
- Participants who are currently living in any other accommodation that is temporary, unsafe or unsuitable and mainstream services / community supports are unable to provide a suitable alternative due to the participants disability related needs.
Supports funded by housing and other systems:
- Social and community housing. State and territory governments are responsible for social and affordable housing. Subject to waiting periods, state/territory government programs will support most people to find affordable housing in the general rental housing market.
- Homelessness and emergency accommodation services
- Commonwealth Rent Assistance, a payment through Services Australia (formerly the Department of Human Services) that assists eligible participants with the cost of housing
- The National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) that is creating additional affordable rental properties.
- The NDIS may also contribute to the cost of accommodation in situations where the participant has a need for specialised housing due to their disability.